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Accelerated Ransomware Recovery

Recover faster and get back to business. Built-in orchestration and automation let you accelerate your recovery from ransomware.

Download the solution brief

Ransomware is targeting backups

Ransomware attacks are increasingly targeting backups, but a fast and easy recovery will minimize downtime and get you back to business quickly.

Block attacks against your backups

Zero-trust security and 24x7 managed security operations enable operational security. Immutable, air-gapped backups ensure you have clean data to recover.

Accelerate ransomware recovery

Quickly identify unusual activity and prevent contamination spread within minutes of ransomware detection. Scan snapshots before recovery to eliminate reinfection.

Bridge the gap between backup and security systems

Help IT and security teams work together with built-in integrations with SIEM and SOAR tools to automate response and recovery.

Recover from ransomware fast

Druva’s advanced ransomware cloud data protection and defense-in-depth security are paired with
workflow orchestration and recovery automation tools to improve response time, prevent reinfection,
and reduce data loss. Plus, Druva’s SaaS solution delivers 24×7 fully-managed security operations.

How it works

Stop threats to backups with a zero-trust architecture, immutable backups, and built-in security and observability across users, data, and activity.

Visibility into unusual activity and point-in-time recoverability

Identify anomalies within backup data and choose the best snapshot for recovery with flexible recovery options.

The Druva Difference

Unlike on-premises or Windows-based solutions that may be vulnerable to ransomware, Druva’s cloud-native architecture provides a resilient operational environment that protects data and speeds up recovery.

Zero-trust security architecture

MFA and access controls prevent credential abuse, AES-256 encrypts data in flight and at rest.

Unusual data activity and user access insights

Entropy-based ML identifies backup anomalies; data and alerts are fed automatically to SIEM and SOAR tools.