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Druva Certified Reseller

Secure Azure Data without the Costs and Complexity

Protect your Azure VM data with a cost-effective, agentless solution that offers secure, air-gapped backups with no egress fees.

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Lock down Azure VM data against threats

Protect Azure VM data from ransomware by creating an encrypted backup copy of your data inaccessible to attackers, stored in Druva's cloud.

Air-gapped backups of Azure VMs

Ensure your Azure VM backup data is stored in a secure, air-gapped environment, outside of your Azure tenant safeguarding it from unauthorized access.

Radically reduce storage costs

Save up to 40% on storage costs by eliminating the need for Microsoft Azure Backup storage redundancy, no egress costs, and global deduplication.

Restore data easily

Simply recover your Azure VMs and their associated disk storage to your Azure subscription and region of choice.

Azure VM backup with Druva

Druva's agentless solution for Azure provides organizations with secure, air-gapped backups of Azure VM data,
protecting against cyber threats at a lower cost and without management complexity.

How It Works?

Register Azure Tenant

Register multiple Azure subscriptions in a single configuration, onboard them quickly and start protecting them.