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Managed Data Detection and Response


Fully managed worry-free backup monitoring for early detection of threats, and expert assistance through incident response and recovery. Bounce back from threats faster.

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See Druva's Managed Data Detection and Response for backup environments in action

Put Response & Recovery on Autopilot

Continuous backup monitoring, expert threat analysis — fully managed, data-powered extension to your Incident Response strategy.

24x7x365 Backup Monitoring

AI-powered telemetry detects anomalous activity in the backup environment. Druva Incident Response serves as an extra set of eyes and verifies alert validity.

Investigation and Response

Automatic lockdown of backups to safeguard data. Once a threat is verified, we work with you to accelerate incident response with customized IR runbooks.

Recovery Made Quick and Easy

Druva partners with your IR team throughout the recovery process and provides expert assistance, ensuring a swift return to normal operations and minimizing data loss.

Support Every Step of the Way

Following recovery, Druva aids in post-incident analysis, helping strengthen your security posture against future threats.

Elevate Your Data Security Posture

Druva's Managed Data Detection and Response (DDR) service provides 24x7x365 real-time monitoring
for backup environments, leveraging AI to enhance detection, expedite response, and streamline recovery.

What makes Druva different?

Druva is proud to introduce Managed Data Detection and Response for the backup environment, among the first services of its kind, delivered natively.

One Solution, More Value, No Third Party Needed

Managed DDR available to all customers at no additional cost — full response and recovery without breaking the bank… you won’t find with competing solutions.

100% SaaS, 100% Fully Managed, 100% Secure

Traditional security tools don’t cover backup. Druva detects and enables quick response to threats to your backup environment so you’re always prepared.